2025 6th International Conference on Computer Vision and Information Technology (CVIT 2025) is to be held in the attractive and cultural city of Florence during June 20-22, 2025. The Conference commences on Friday June 20 and will take place on three consecutive days. It is sponsored by Music Academy 'Studio Musica', Italy.
The Conference aims first to provide an international forum for researchers in Computer Vision and Information Technology to present the new results of their ongoing work. Secondly, the organisers invite contributions on all aspects of Computer Vision and Information Technology.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Florence, Italy during June 20-22, 2025. Definitely, CVIT 2025 will provide you a pleasant experience, new contacts and happy stay in Florence. Geographically small but culturally rich, Florence — two hours northwest of Rome — is home to some of the greatest art and architecture in the world. Florence offers visitors a brimming bucket list of masterpieces, topped by Michelangelo's David, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, and Brunelleschi's heavenly dome. With more historic churches, masterpiece chapels, palaces large and small, and a surprising range of museums, the city is blessed with a wealth of cultural riches.
All full paper submissions of CVIT2025 will also be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality,
technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and
readability. The full paper submissions will be chosen based on
technical merit, interest, applicability, and how well they fit a coherent and balanced technical
After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will
be published into a volume of SPIE Proceedings, which will be included in SPIE Digital Library and indexed
by Ei Compendex, Scopus, and CPCI (Web of Science).
Download Call for Papers (.pdf)
CVIT2024 proceedings are now available in SPIE digital Library (Volume 13433), indexed by
EI Compendex, and
CVIT2023 proceedings are now available in SPIE digital Library (Volume 12984), indexed by
EI Compendex, and
CVIT2022 proceedings are now available in SPIE digital library (Volume 12590), indexed by
EI Compendex, and Scopus.
Authors are invited to submit papers through the Online Conference Submission System.
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. Authors are required to use the following Proceedings Paper Template when preparing your full paper.
MSWord Template (.doc)
Proceedings Paper LaTeX Style Files
Fast registration channel is open for delegates who'd like to attend the conference and join all the technical programs without presentation of your papers.